WP Hacking Procedure with Tips to Maximize Security
Nowadays, WordPress has become an easy target for malevolent hacker attacks. During 2013, a total of 170,000 blogs and sites were hacked and now in 2014, this figure would likely to increase. You would definitely think why this is happening even though, WP has been considered a safe platform for everyone. Let’s discuss facts based on some statistics that whether your WordPress installation is the next target for the hackers.
Learn by others’ mistakes!
Around forty one percent of websites were hacked due to flaw of hosting providers which means that attackers have used vulnerable hosting tools according to their own interests or utilized security holes to hack WP blogs, present on the vulnerable hosts.
Twenty nine percent websites have been hacked due to vulnerable WP themes. Or, hackers have identified the flaws in themes used on WordPress, attacked and reached their goals i.e. entered into your website.
Twenty two percent of WordPress websites were hacked due to vulnerable plugins used.
Eight percent of the web pages were hijacked due to feeble password of the panels.
How hacking process works?
When an attacker becomes capable of gaining access to your WP website of blog, he will probably follow this procedure to hide his traces and try to stay a bit longer.
- Making an account having administrator privileges.
- Resetting password for different account to protect others to access their own WordPress blog or website.
- Altering the role of already existing inactive accounts
- Including malicious codes into its content
- Changing WP files in order to re-enter into the system through malicious codes
- Making redirect in .htaccess files.
How can you prevent WordPress from hacking?
As you know that it is really easy to hack WordPress blogs or websites, but let me give you good news that you can even protect it easily. By making a small examination of facts and determining flaws in your WP installation, you can maximize security and can avoid malicious codes from entering into your website or blog.
- Collect information about web hosting providers, articles, browse forums and blogs.
- Before installing any WP plugin or theme, make a comprehensive research about them and try to update them frequently.
- Rename or delete administrator’s account.
- Keep your plugins, themes and software updated and always utilize recent patches to prevent your WP software from the suppliers.
- By following the mentioned tips, you can maximize WP security with ease and convenience.